ASAGAN – New (hi)stories from Vienna
Wolfgang Hartl, Erika Friedl
ASAGAN – New (Hi)Stories
Durchgehend kunstvoll illustriert
Hardcover / 21,5 x 30,5 cm
112 Seiten, Band 2, English Edition
Für junge Leser*innen von 5 bis 105 Jahren
ISBN: 978-3-9502844-7-8
€ 25.- (A/D)
Erschienen am 20.10.2017
Amazing Vienna
You know Vienna, the capital of Austria? But you don't know the many incredible stories that take place there! The world of ASAGAN tells you all about them. We found the pictures in books and prints that are between 100 and 500 years old. And we found the heroes to go with them who have adventures for you. You'll be amazed, in ASAGAN or in reality – who can say?
New (Hi)Stories from Vienna in a big fat book with extra pages full of fabulous pictures from the world of ASAGAN. – 112 pages, colour illustrations throughout, hardback, produced locally and with the ecolabel. English edition!
Bold and mischievous new heroes experience and conquer the ancient fantasy world of ASAGAN. In the book, in our heads, in the real world. Nine fantastic stories in and around Vienna. Richly and lovingly illustrated with prints between 100 and
500 years old combined with new characters. Adventures for young readers aged 5 to 105.
• Sisibabasosodada
• Hippiezzaners in the Court Dancing School
• The Hamster in the Big Wheel
• A Little Bite Music
• The Palm by the Beautiful Well
• Ostrich, Strauss and Bat
• Fiacre Lilli and her Ring
• The Danube Pirates
• A White Viennese Winter’s Tale